Sunday, February 28, 2010


I wanted to start this blog to showcase my love for fashion and style, and everything beauty related. A lot of times people idolize celebrities as fashion inspiration and while I do that too, I find more inspiration with real people.. the people who walk down the street rather than the runway. So this will be a mix of high-fashion love with street-style sightings. And of course, my own personal style :) A large part of the reason why I started to love fashion sadly was stolen from the world not too long ago, and I'm talking of course about Mr. (Lee) Alexander McQueen. His style combined darker edgier elements with bursts of feminity, which made it ok in my eyes to love rock and roll AND fashion. Of course, the two have gone hand-in-hand since the beginning of time probably, but as a 14 year old trying in vain to emulate my idols, I ended up looking like a squeegee-punk rather than Amy Lee of Evanescence (yeah, that phase is long gone). So anyway, here's to Alexander McQueen and fashion lovers everywhere !
